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Benefits of
Valencia’s Membership

Buy One Get One Free Unbelievable saving on every purchase

Our main objective to compile BOGO™ Memebership is to make fun & leisure easy affordable for everyone. On using every Buy One Get One coupon, you will have a great saving. Suppose if you are 6 persons, you need to pay for only 3 person. Its very simple and easy to use.

BOGO is about saving and we provide our customers top-level service upon booking as we believe on quality instead of quantity. That’s the real idea behind BOGO that you have to pay half price but still you will get best in return.

BOGO – A gift for everyone

Our main objective to compile BOGO™ Memebership is to make fun & leisure easy affordable for everyone. On using every Buy One Get One coupon, you will have a great saving. Suppose if you are 6 persons and want to go for desert safari, you will pay for only 3 persons. Its very simple and easy to use.

Bonus Coupons

BOGO™ is also loaded with some bonus coupons for desert safari, dhow cruise, hatta wadi and dubai city tour. With bonus coupon you can go free along with regular BOGO™ coupon. Means Just pay for 1 person and 3 person can enjoy the attraction.

Fast Reservation

We have our own customer care department. So there will be minimal chance of confusion as we are not directly referring our customers to third party. You need to call us and we will give you best idea about excursion and price. Then we will send your booking to booking department.


15 attractions

BOGO is proud to present 15 attractions discount coupons under 1 membership booklet.


Covers all 7 states

We have selected tourism attractions from all 7 states of UAE. So we have something best for every person living in any corner of UAE.


Active members

Until now BOGO is community of 3623 registered members. Each member is saving everyday by using discount coupons.